Francesco Cozza
    1605-1682)was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was born in Stilo in Calabria and died in Rome. As a young man, he went to Rome and apprenticed with Domenichino. He traveled with Domenichino to Naples. He is best known for his expansive panegyric ceiling fresco, Apotheosis of Pamphili House, in the library of Palazzo Pamphili in Piazza Navona (1667-73). He also frescoed the Stanza del Fuoco in Palazzo Pamphili in Valmontone, 1658-59), where he worked along with Pier Francesco Mola, Gaspar Dughet, Mattia Preti, Giovanni Battista Tassi (il Cortonese), and Guglielmo Cortese. He also participated with Carlo Maratta and Domenico Maria Canuti in fresco decorations of the Palazzo Altieri. His landscape paintings recall the Carracci style of paesi con figure piccole (landscapes with small figures). He painted a Madonna del Riscatto in church of Santa Francesca Romana. He was received into the Accademia di San Luca at Rome in 1650.